• Diabetes and Dental Care
    Diabetes is a disease that affects the health of the entire body, including, of course, your mouth, gums, and teeth. We are trained to look for issues that might arise Read more
  • Water: It’s Not Just for Brushing!
    We turn on the tap and it comes rushing out. We walk down the hall at work or school and stop at the fountain without even thinking about it. It’s Read more
  • Do you suffer from sleep apnea?
    At ParkLin Dental, PC, we know our patients love a good amount of rest each night in order to be energized for the day and week ahead. After all, without Read more
  • Going Green for the New Year
    Does your list of New Year’s resolutions for the coming months include reducing your ecological footprint? If so, let’s ring in the year with some basic—and some innovative—dental ideas to Read more
  • It's a Wrap: Ending the year with a smile!
    People have been ushering in the New Year for centuries but it became an official holiday in 1582 when Pope George XIII declared January 1st to be the day on Read more
  • Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    When your wisdom teeth start to emerge it can definitely be painful, but it can be even worse if your wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are trying to Read more
  • Mamelons
    Quick trivia question: define “mamelon.” Some kind of warm blooded animal? No, not a member of the mammal clan, but good guess. A fruit of the gourd family? Nope! There Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • Dental-Healthy Snacks for Your School-Aged Child
    Kids are constantly active and constantly growing. No wonder they’re constantly hungry! When it’s time for a snack, here are some tips to make between meal treats timely, tasty, and Read more
  • Thanksgiving in North America
    Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving Read more
  • What should I do if my child has a toothache?
    Toothaches in children can be tricky ordeals that cause distress for both the child and the parent. You may feel helpless and frustrated because you cannot pinpoint the location of Read more
  • National Brush Day
    October 31—Halloween. Fourth Thursday in November—Thanksgiving. And, in between these two favorite autumn holidays, we have November 1—National Brush Day! Okay, okay. Maybe National Brush Day isn’t quite as well-known as Read more
  • Diet and Dental Health: What to eat and what to avoid
    You are probably aware that guzzling soda and drinking those sugary Starbucks Frappuccinos aren’t particularly good for your dental health. But how much thought do you give to the effects Read more
  • Fluorosis: What is it?
    Many people think dental fluorosis is a disease, but it’s not; it’s a condition that affects the appearance of your tooth’s enamel, not the function or health of the teeth. Read more
  • What exactly is periodontal disease?
    Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. Our team at ParkLin Dental, PC wants you to know that this common ailment can be Read more
  • When snoring becomes more than just annoying: The dangers of sleep apnea
    Sawing wood. That’s what your wife calls it when you wake her up with your snoring. This type of scenario plays out in homes around the world, and couples have Read more

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